Retail Sales Assistant

Remote, USA Full-time Posted 2025-03-12

Kohl's is Hirig A Retail Sales Assistat

The salary rate for a Full time positio is udefied

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? The act of smilig ad greetig customers ad colleagues is essetial, ad it's importat to adhere to the Yes We Ca policy whe addressig customer iquiries ad requests i a friedly ad courteous maer
? Whe commuicatig with customers, it is essetial to apply the GREAT program's five-step approach routiely. This program ivolves greetig ad egagig the cliet, requestig credit, explaiig the savigs, askig them to complete a survey, ad thakig them for their patroage
? Capable of acquirig ad adjustig to the latest techological advacemets to cater to customers' demads
? Achievig exceptioal customer satisfactio requires proficiet issue resolutio skills
? Provokes, iitiates ad sets ito motio submissios for Kohls Charge accouts ad rewards iitiatives
? Guaratees that all protocols related to the maagemet of cash are strictly followed accordig to the established policies ad procedures
? Efficietly coduct trasactios while egagig customers to esure accuracy i every trasactio
? Ope to adaptig ad masterig various roles throughout the store, as required


? Capability to raise 50 pouds periodically or frequetly
? The capacity to remai stadig or i motio withi various departmets for the etirety of work hours. Regular physical activities ecompass, but are ot limited to, stoopig, bedig, walkig, climbig, ad liftig
? Compliace with Kohl's code of coduct ad operatioal policies is imperative to promote ethical busiess practices ad esure smooth operatios
? Regular attedace
? Havig strog skills i both spoke ad writte commuicatio is essetial for success i ay professio
? Adequate abilities i arithmetic ad comprehesio, readable pemaship, ad carefuless i miutiae
? Possessig the skill to collaborate with a group ad commuicate well with teammates is a valuable asset

? Prior retail experiece
? Competet i the seamless utilizatio of techology to execute essetial tasks

Our Purpose

Our compay's missio is to ecourage ad eable families to live geuiely satisfyig lives. We aim to iform our cliets that the resources that could ehace their lifestyles are accessible. Similarly, we are ethusiastic about the developmet of our associates i both persoal ad professioal spheres. At Kohls, we foster a atmosphere of support ad ecouragemet that makes our employees feel comfortable. Although we value humility, we are ot hesitat to tackle difficult udertakigs. While we emphasize coviviality, we remai focused. Though we work diligetly, we still make time for amusemet. Explore the Kohls way of life.

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It is advisable for you to cofirm that you are submittig your applicatio to your desired site.

Resposibility for the implemetatio of all visuals, icludig maequis, forms, displays, lightig ad graphics to esure customers have a cosistet shoppig experiece.

Ehacig the shoppig experiece by maagig ad orgaizig merchadisig, sales floor operatios ad repleishmet.

Ehaces the i-store shoppig experiece ad cultivates customer loyalty by utilizig up-to-date techology to facilitate the operatios team for Kohl's customers.

Establishes great rapport with customers, ehaces their experiece ad boosts sales by leveragig relatioships, operatioal excellece ad extesive product kowledge.

Your Satisfactio is Importat to Us

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